Halloween discount codes!

Posted on October 28, 2021

Happy Halloween!

In celebration of the haunted Halloween weekend, we hid a bunch of coupon codes in our shops. Follow the clues below and search among the Season of Mist bands’ item pages to collect a coupon from -5% to -25%! The coupons are hidden in the items’ description on the shop page….

Only thing YOU need to do is figure out WHICH items by the clues below.

Clues International Shop –> shop.season-of-mist.com
1. The magnetic tape of a Portuguese act in limbo.
2. The intangible version of the second opus by Saor mastermind’s side-project.
3. The bloody double circle of Danish shamans’ first offering.
4. A box including black metal make-up to scare off old ladies!
5. A vendetta that assaults with haemoglobin and retaliates, on a black marble platter.

Clues US Shop –> shopusa.season-of-mist.com
1. An eternal aversion, a canvas of the underworld in Latin, placed on a plate.
2. Killer deities find themselves indexed in a box of misery.
3. The vacuity of a CD, not meant to be heard.
4. White and lustful wax by the French masters of “breeeee”…
5. The way of German freedom from a French region finds itself on a black double plate.

Campaign runs from 28/10 to 07/11 and the prizes per shop are:
– 20 x 5% coupon
– 15 x 10% coupon
– 10 x 15% coupon
– 5 x 20% coupon
– 1 x 25% coupon

Happy hunting!